Thursday, May 12, 2005

Do blondes really have more fun?

I wish I had a digital camera! Seriously! I, who usually couldn't care less about taking photographs. I guess having filled out about 300 albums presently collecting dust in my older brother's house made me lose appetite for clicking away. But why do I want it today? Because I wish that you, dear friends and family, could see my perfect hair! Yes, perfect! In my eyes, at least, and that's what matters.
I was trying to hold out and have my hair done in Canada, but I just couldn't stand seeing more and more shiny gray hairs sticking out of my dark roots . Soo, I went to Itaewon to a hairdresser recommended by Angela, a hiking buddy.
After about two hours in which 3 hairdressers highlighted, washed, 'manicured' (as they call conditioning treatment here in Korea), blow-dryed and straightened, straightened, straightened my hair, I ended up with the coolest hair-do I've ever had. My hair didn't look like my hair at all - it was replaced by a smooth silky shiny golden curtain that framed my face in the most flattering of ways. I am sorry for all the gushing - but seriously, I can't remeber when I left a hair-salon feeling like this: happy!

As I walked, I would stop every 2 seconds in front of a window shop pretending to "eye-shop" while I was actually admiring my own reflection and wondering:could that be my hair? Without all the darn curls and ringlets it looked about 10cm longer, as if I had extensions.

Now, back to my question: do blondes really have more fun? According to my little private observation of today, they do. Protected by enormous black faux-Escada sunglasses I observed the male populuation to see if they would observe me, or rather my blonde mane - and observed they did. The experiment may be flawed - I simply could have been too big a target to be missed by somewhat shorter male population of Seoul. I had my favorite girly lace-ups that brought the top of my aformentioned great hair to about 178 cm or more. (Sadly, as I am typing this, half of my hair is back to its normal wavey 'n' frizzy state).

What am I to do? Should I rush to a department store and buy a hair strightener and at the ripe old age finally become one of those girls who actually don't just wash and go? What is it about shiny blonde hair? Is it simply that it's easier to notice, that it stands out in the sea of darker shades, like a lamp or a light bulb in the night? Or do "Gentlemen [really] prefer blondes" for whatever mysterious reason? Anyhow, I don't want to go to sleep and turn my marvelous blonde head into a messy bed head. Who needs to sleep anyway?


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