Friday, June 24, 2005

Waging a war with grade grabbers

I just posted my students' grades last night and this morning I find the first complaint in my mailbox. This intermediate level student is "socked" by her C+ grade and she writes: "I am socked. What is go on? I demand to know about that !!!!!!" This in spite of having 75% on her 1st assignment (10% of her final grade) and all of 29% on her written exam (20%). Thanks to my sister-in-law all the grades are calculated via MS Excel, checked and re-checked. I believe I am in for a lot of fun with a lot of enquiries. I composed an email auto response, but I can only write 10 lines. I have to apply the bell curve and students know that they compete against one another. I hate this aspect of my job! Enough to give you a lasting headache.

On a lighter note: last night my niece and nephew entertained me till wee hours telling me jokes that they heard on the Comedy Channel. Highlights: if an Icelander 'does it' with a Cuban their babies will be called little 'icecubes'; if a French person 'does it' with a 'Greek' they will get little - can you guess?- Freeks.
Before the jokes, my niece played the piano for me. She's improved so much. She can really play nicely. She played 'the color of the wind' from Pocahontas and I sang. Marko then played the guitar, a piece he had played in a competition about two weeks ago and won the second prize. My big little giant, this "kid." I am worried about him in the plane. He'll be so cramped.

My sister-in-law buys a big cake with layers of fresh cream and fruit almost every day. We enjoyi it with coffee or chilled white wine on the balcony - and we're all getting fatter by the minute. As god is my witness, I wlll go for a walk NOW! Later today Marko (my nephew) and I are going to a bookstore to find something good to read over the summer. The bookstore is located within a huge shopping center complete with 20 unit AMC movie theater. There are so many movies to see.
It's so good to be here! The day again is gorgeous and sunny.


At September 11, 2005, Blogger jc said...

where are the photos???!!!!
post up those photos!!!!!!

At September 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey angry DF, for some of the photos (at least the ones I had time to upload) go to


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