Foreigners' Chusseock, Day 2

Sunday morning, or what was morning to me (1:10 pm) I woke up, had a quick shower and rushed to Itaewon to meet the gang from the previous night for a late breakfast at the RMT. The place was, as it always is on Sundays, crowded and smokey. We were lucky 'cause a bunch of people finished their breakfasts as we walked in. We were able to have our coffee and breakfast without a long wait. The tables are small and low and we had to hold our plates in our laps. After breakfast we went up to the patio where we played cards all afernoon - and of course - drank cocktails like there was no tomorrow. It was Chusseock, we neded to celebrate. The game didn't go as smoothely as one would thing 'cause we all learned different rules for playing gin-rummy. Andrea's and mine, if I dare say so, are far more sophisticated (being the European rules and all, hehehe) but in the end we had fun, especiallly with Andrea's knocking rule - if you wanted a card from the pile you could get it even if ti wasn't your turn as long as you knock on the table hard and yell "it's mine." The rule works on the first-come/first serve basis.
Besides cards there were other forms of entertainment on the patio, provided by the colorful mixture of people. A Bob, or Bill or somethin' like that, aspired to be the local Goliath. He would lift an unsuspecting patron up on his shoulders and do squats admiring his effert in the big mirror that covers one of the walls. He also brought ice-cream for everyone. A nice, happy guy - drunk, too!
When Clare joined us we moved to Our Place for dinner. Throughout the evening I got drunk and sober several times. I think at Our Place I was mostlly drunk , so Clare provided her magic juice, pepperming oil (or something like that) that I sniffed at.
After Our Place we moved to the 3Alley Pub. On the way there Clare and Jen bought cowboy hats and looked pretty darn good in them. At the pub we discovered shooters called 'cock-sucking cowboy girls" and we were knocking them back with no mercy. After I don't know how many of these cowgirls fell victim to our drinking rampage, we moved to JBAR where we danced and danced and danced and danced and danced and danced and danced.... and danced some more. I don't like this kind of dancing. It's all the same beat, the same jumping, it's a lonely experience, you and your closed eyes... at least for me. I left at some point and walked around Itaewon. Had a couple of dakojis - and sadly discovered that my "ajumma' was not there anymore. When I came back we danced some more and finally left for breakfast at Pharaoph's , a new Egyptian restaurant up the hooker hill and then left to the gay zone. At this point we were all tired, especiallly Deb, Jen and me. After a breakfast of falafel and the like and after some trouble with finding a taxi, we were on our way home. I don't remember a lot of the ride except Jen and Deb using me as a pillow (I sat in the middle) and Clare answerig the talkative taxi ajoshi's questions. What a Chusseock!
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