Fiona and Jun's wedding, October 23rd

I have known Fiona since I joined the Seoul HIking Club. When I was a newbie she was already a 'royal' member. She comes from Kingston so we had something in common as I lived and studied there for 2 years. She's an overall cool girl into all kinds of things: speaks fluent Korean, does yoga, travelling (on one of the hikes she treated us to yak jerky). She married her Prince Charming Jun in a lavish traditional wedding ceremony at one of the most desirable places for weddings in Seoul: the Korea House. Althought he wedding was traditional, she broke the rules by smiling and laughing during the ceremony - an absolute no-no for Korean brides who're supposed to look like they're signing their lives away -sombre and demure, I guess hinting that they are about to become "good wives and wise mothers." CD told us about a Korean superstition: if the bride laughs or smiles during the wedding, she'll have stillborns - how awful. This all being a bunch of nonsense, of course, Fiona had a jolly good time, looking gorgeous in her plush hanbok. After the wedding we had a good buffet lunch and a little party at "The Heaven" bar in Chungmuro. Lots of old friends came together for her wedding: Glenn, Mark Curry, Stuart, Gabrielle, Hong-ja, Hyun-jong, Hee-kyung (who looked very ajummish, am sorry to report). So, we celebrated yet another wedding in our club, another Korean-Western union. May they be happy and healthy.
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