Ginko Bilobas
Ever since I saw my first 'live' ginko tree in a palace garden in Germany, I've been fascinated by this ancient tree. I remember examing the leaves, finding them gorgeous but somehow sad. They reminded me of dead butterflies. They were also so different from any other leaves, and the tree itself stood like a hated minority among European birches and willows. There are a few ginko trees on Hansung campus and I can never just go past them. I must stop, almost as in a greeting.
The ones on Jouldasan brought back memories of my student days' Midsummer Night's Dream production. We made really spooky-looking trees that looked like human beings. The one shown here is just such a tree. If you look closely you'll discern distorted features under a shock of wild wild yellow hair. Alas, nothing got resolved in this forest. I came out the same old same old.

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