Naksan Park and Hansung University parkette

A couple of days ago to clear my head between classes I went for a walk to the Naksan Park which is in my neighbourhood. The weather was kind of murky and miserable, but I still thought a walk would do me good. I do a lot of exercise in this park, walking up and down its few trails and conquering its 300-odd stairs. The neighbourhood behind Hansung University is 'quite exotic' as my cousin put it when she visited 2 years ago. Exotic in the sense that one sees roofs covered in tarpaulin and secured by bricks and rocks; kimchi pots; lettuce and chives growing in flower pots on balconies, staricases; stray cats; underwear drying on clothes horses in the middle of sidewalks; vegetables drying on the sidewalk; little sweat shops with their incessant sewing machine whirring; little grubby eateries, ajummas with tight perms, rubber shoes, and checkered shirts... I tried to capture some of it.
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