Tabang daeji -coffee delivery

As the members of our hiking club were waiting for a bus to take us back to Seoul from Kangwha-do, we had nothing better to do than to observe people passing by. It was cold and rainy, not much entertainment as only few people braved the rain, running under their enormous umbrellas.
At one point a young slim woman in white patent impossibly high heels, tight jeans, and a short red jacket passes by, carrying a little package in her hand. Her hair was tied with an enormous black bow and she wore lots of make-up on - no umbrella though. There was something about her. She looked as if on a mission. CD, noticing my curiosity says: "That's 'tabang daeji' - a coffee shop girl, or coffee shop take out service, I could not get to the bottom of the translation. They don't exist in Seoul anymore, only in the counry. What are they? Traditional Korean tabangs were simply coffee shops with usually attractive waitresses in mini skirts serving customers. Many Koreans deny the mini skirt part, but many admit that, yes, it was kind of customary for waitresses to dress a bit on the sexy side. An added service is coffee delivery: a bored or overworked businessman/shop owner dials the number of a tabang and orders coffee. A sexy waitress is shipped off with her supply of hot water, instant coffee, coffee whitener and sugar - never freshly brewed coffee, and never milk. She'll 'arrange' the coffee for the businessman, chatting him up and being pretty. I ask CD if anything more is ever on offer, he smiles smugly and says: 'of course not; it's just that Korean men like talking with women, as long as they are not married to them.' Humph, could it be a service similar to those special barber shops, I wonder?
If you want to read more about Korean traditional tabang, click on the link:
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