Gyeroyongsan Hike, Oct. 30

CD, Chris, Georges, Shane, Debbie, Andrea and I hiked on Gyeryongsan on this beautiful Saturday. The mountain was designated a national park in 1968 and crosses over three districts: Daejeon, Kwangju and Nonsan (the place where Debbie spent 4 long years). The mountain is named Chicken/dragon mountain because its ridges have the shape of these creatures. It's also a very spiritual place with many hermitages where Koreans come to meditate and cleanse their minds from daily business. This time we took the Kapsa trail, not Dongaksa. We only had a glimpse of Dongaksa from one of the peaks.
I wasn't feeling too good on this day. Although I enjoyed the hike, I found it exhausting, too steep and too long. I'm still trying to recover, 4 days later.
the weather was great, the spirits were high... overall, a great day, in spite of this old ajumma's problems
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