"Frankly speaking..."

A beautiful late summer night. A gorgeous hilly park just above one of the trendier parts of town. An enthusiastic walker with her brand new i-pod. Up and down she walks. Faster and faster, stronger and fitter by every step she takes, more confident even; flushed shiny cheeks cooled by the gentle breeze.
" See the stone set in your eyes, see the thorn twist in your side..." , she hums along Bono, thinking, "I'd definitely take Joshua's Tree to a Desserted Island." The next is 'Beethoveen's 9th', the absolute best from the crazy genius.
A tall and lean runner runs tirelessly up and down the trails. Each time they meet, they smile at each other knowingly, in recognition,perhaps, of their love for the outdoor exercise.
Some time passes. They meet again. He slows downs and beckons her to stop. Obligingly, she pulls the earphone out of her left ear, stops and looks at him expectantly.
-"Excuse me, can I ask you a qeustion?", says he in what sounds like a pretty good English.
-"Sure," she says. "Go ahead." No harm in chatting with a fellow jogger, is there.
-"Err... I coming to this park often, and I could see you many time."
-"Oh, really?" she says, surprised, becayse she can't remember ever seeing him before. A lone foreigner is much easier to spot among the dozens of jogging Koreans, she rationalizes to herself.
-"Yes, yes, "he continutes. "You like to exercising, I think."
-"Well, I like this park, and the view... and walking. So, I guess, you can say, I like walking in this park."
-"Frankly speaking... I am so surprised", says he. "You running very much... How can I say?.... But why are you still so fat?"
She doesn't answer, but smiles faintly and deffensively, turning away from the jogger and trying at the same time to put the dangling earphone back to from where she courteously took it out a minute earlier. She walks faster and faster, breaking into a run. She's not aware of her loudly backing up Bono:
"... I wanna take shelter from the poison rain,
where the streets have no name,
where the streets have no name,
where the streets have no name...."
The walker, tomorrow, may lose weight, and will certainly be a better person for having walked, whereas the jogger will probably always be rude.
If I see him I'd like to tie his shoelaces together... harumph...
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