The After Party at V's Studio

1. 'Show us some skin' - and we did
2. Toothy grins and a serious Teutonic Kwien
3. They call themselves a 'dream team."
4. What's in in the fashion world?
5. The Brit is about to bare it
6. The babelicious Boy CD
7. Groovy Girls, Andrea and Lisa.
8. Clare and Lisa chilling out
After the opening ceremony of Anguelique's exhibition, we were invited for an 'after party' at Vincent's photo studio. Clare, Lisa, Andrea and I walked quite a bit shivering in the freezing night air, before any taxes appeared. We also got to play the role of good Samaritans, saving an elderly drunken man from hypothermia. He simply collapsed at our feet, and we packed him into a taxi and sent him on this way.
The studio was pretty cool, as far as such places go. It is situated in an ugly, dirty building with the grumpiest doorman you can imagine. A bare concrete staircase, blackened by years of grime and cigarette butts, leads you up to V's studio. The walls surruonding the entrance to the studio are covered in some kind of 'frescoes' and graffiti, while the hallway leading to the studio was adorned by ( I suppose) his photographs and illuminated by tiny fairy lights. Quite a nice effect after the smelly staircase.
One side of the studio is occupied by a huge white panel that covers about 3-4 meters of the floor and then streches in an uninterrupted line up to the ceiling. The other side has a bar, or a reception area, or both, I am not quite sure. Beside it, an enormous artifical tree casts a shadow upon a couple of love seats. The rest is of the studio hardly has any furniture, but there are many interestig trinkets and collages of Vincent's photographs on the wall.
There were lots of young good-looking girls milling about dressed in the fashion of the moment, which is shorts worn over semi-see-through tights and knee-high boots. Lots of shiny black hair was being swayed around, and lots of young guys were there to admire it. The loudest of them was a handsome British chap who liked to use the word "London" in every sentence and in the end showed everybody his underwear.
I spent most of the time chatting with people I know. My mingling skills, never something I could brag about, have been deteriorating.
The party was nice enough, and I had fun, mostly watching people. It was a bit on the 'vanity fair/foney' side, but interesting, nevertheless. Vincent seemed to be having a very good time, basking in the spotlight, surrounded by all the pretty packaged estrogen around him. Angelique should have had that spotlight, but she is a very self-effacing young lady.
After some silly photographs were taken and the meagre supplies of food and drink consumed, we were kicked out by the grumpy doorman ajoshi. I don't know where the rest of the merry party ended up, -I suppose somewhere in Hongdae - but I took a taxi and went home.
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