Old Friends and Hannah's hands

PICTURES: Hannah has the tiniest tinsiest little hands I've ever seen. I asked Clare to take a photo of our hands together, and she did a great job of it.
Crystal tree: at the foot of Chonggyesan, there was a creek fenced in brushwood. There were some pipes that broke and sprinkled the brushwood. The water immediately turned to ice creating the most amazing tree decoration, as beautiful as Austrian crystal.
Tom, Subok and Hannah, their adorable soon-to-be 1-year old are in town for Sollal visiting Subok's family. Naturally, Tom came hiking, and naturally, Subok and Hannah joined us later for our regular spread of dong-dong-ju, pajon, tubu-kimchi and the like. I say "naturally" because the club is where they met and where their romance started and ended in a happy union crowned by a perfectly adorable little offspring Hannah.
We hiked on Chonggyesan. Since the meeting point was at Indogwan, the subway station close to my January "country home," I decided to spend one last night in my dormitory room, watching TV, munching cheese Doritos and sipping beer. I don't have cable at home at all (will have to get one for the World Cup in Germany, though), so I was absolutely mesmerized by the tube and all it had to offer. I watched Korean dramas under the pretence of learning the proper intonation.
Although I found the Korean Language course seriously flawed and lacking, I felt oddly sad when the end came. It felt so safe and it was like travelling down the memory lane, years and years ago when I was a first-year student, as fresh as a daisy. Alas, I've been plucked so many times since; I had closed so many chapters and started so often anew... Once again I was packing my bags and leaving, going back to the hustle and bustle of the SEoul life.
I realized how much I enjoyed the tranqulity of this remote Academy, the fresh air, the closeness of Chonggyesan, and perhaps, above all, the simplicity of my existence. I'd wake up, strech in bed, get up, have shower, make coffee and sip it while reviewing lessons from the day before; then, I'd go to the classroom where Brad and I would patiently bear 7 hours of Korean; after classes it was off to Chongyesan for about an hour or so, up to some catholic martyr's cave (where he was hiding from the mean kings who persecuted Catholics) and back; a healthy dinner of salad and tuna, fruit, more streching, homework, tv, reading, falling asleep. No students to bother me, no disputes, no noise, no worries almost... And, now it's all over.
I've bounced back from the sadness as soon as I met other hikers. I am always happy to hike with Tom. He's a perfect gentleman and many a time he was the one who waited for me when all other hikers would go ahead leaving me, the novice hiker, to my own devices. Stuart was there, too, after a long time, so there was a lot of catching up to do.
The hike must have been the easiest one I've ever done (not counting the one in Chuncheon when CD, Caroline and I decided not to hike at all and ended up watching a Jackie Chan movie in a DVD bang). I barely remember hiking; all I remember is a lot of food and drink we consumed.
Subok's brother drove Subok and Hannah to the restaurant. The little girl is absolutelly adorable , tiny and cute like China doll (which is funny to say 'cause they do live in Shanghai).
It's 5:29. I am leaving for Thailand tomorrow and I should have been packed by now, except that I'm not. I've been at the computer for hours now. I never know when insomnia would hit, and it hit me tonight.
I'm excited about my Thai trip. Four or five days in Bangkok on my own, exploring and enjoying the aura of mysterousness that a woman travelling alone sometimes achieves, - although I'm not quite the type.
I've decided to go for the works in the beauty department: I'll walk into the nice spa I found on Koah San Road, and say: do all that you offer here. And all is a lot: manicure, pedicure, foot massage, complete hair job, facials, body massages. I figured it'd cost me about w100,000. In Canada I'd 4 times that amount.
Refreshed and beautified, I'll walk and do lots that's worth visiting and more. A student of mine, Minjoo, put me in contact with a Bangkok girl who was her roommate in Australia. I'm hoping that we can meet to get the real scoop on BKK from an insider.
On Sunday, I'll be off to Phuket to meet up with the Jeb team (Deb and Jen) who should be all brown and golden by then. Then the final destination, the torture on Koh Samui, fasting and collonics. I did some research on the whole deal, and am not convinced that doing all of that they suggest you should do is really healthy. I guess, I can always change my mind if I feel very uncomfortable about it.