Eating Oatmeal benefical while studying Korean? Maybe...

I haven't done any propper grocery shopping for a long time now.
I am studying (reviewing for final exams) and I promised to myself that I wouldn't go out till I have covered the first four lessons. I am at number 2 now and I am really hungry.
The fridge is all but empty. Correction: there is milk and grapefruit juice.
I scrambled through my kitchen kabinets, shelves and drawers and found a bag of oatmeal. Seeing 2 apples aging in a glass bowl on the table, I happily realized that I have my lunch:
1,5 cup low-fat milk;
(I like my oatmeal creamy so I don't make it with water; besides milk adds calcium)
1 cup oatmeal
1 apple, peeled, cored, chopped
1Tbs brown sugar
a pinch of salt
a dash of cinnamon
Boil milk; add salt, sugar, cinnamon, apple
When it all starts boiling again, reduce heat and cook for about 5 - 7 min.
Pour into a pretty bowl - voila.
Traditionally, oatmeal is a breakfast food, but with lunch foods sadly absent I can hardly afford to be traditional.
Oatmeal is a health champion. It's a source of soluble and insoluble fiber, it has cancer-fighting properties, reduces bad (LDL) cholesterol while keeping the good one (HDL); balances blood sugar level(especially when you add cinnamon); it's a source of important minerals like zinc, selenium, copper, iron, magnesium; it also has Vitamin E.
You already know that an apple a day takes a doctor away. Other healthy and tasty additions: protein powder, nuts, dry fruit, fresh berries - bluberries are little health miracle workers.
Years ago in Canada, before going to school/work, this wonderful meal for breakfast would stick to my ribs and prep me for freezing Canadian mornings. Needless to say I was muhc healthier and shapelier in those regular oatmeal days.
Note to self: start eating oatmeal more often. Long live Avena Sativa
To read more on oatmeal, visit: