Capricorn's Corner
I decided to start this blog to keep a record of my amazing life in Korea and allow family and friends a peek into my adventures, misadventures, and musings; occasionallly, also, it is necessary to let off some steam about this or that - why not do it here?
Monday, December 25, 2006
CD and Jimmy

Two guys with lots of character: Jimmy, the cowboy, and CD, the stylist.
Half of women in Seoul claim to be in love with the long-haired CD, although he's not available to any of us.
Jimmy came on a couple of hikes with the SHC, and he also loves Scottish dancing. He was my dance partner at practices last year, - really good at it! I don't know why I didn't notice before that he's quite cute and enormously entertaining. He kept us amused with his strong views on everything from condiments, quote: "if god's meant them to be on food, he'd put them there himself, to country dances, quote, "I can't understand losers who don't like 'em." It turns out he's really smart, too, as he's about to start his Ph.D. in physics. Alas, leaving Korea on Saturday. Good luck Jimmy, and many happy dances to you.
Christmas Eve

Cigar Silly.
Look at Chris in the pic with Lisa and me: dreamlike! Why is he still single?!
Dinner at Thai Orchid. Desserts at Mignon (am never going there again). Some more drinks at Bar Bliss. Plus Chris's cigars. Pleasant enough.
Present: Chris, Steve, Jimmy, Lisa, Hokyung and Jungshik (although these two left early, Jungshik probably mad cuz we didn't go to anyone's house), Gwen, myself. CD joined us for Bar Bliss.
The pix were taken at Bar Bliss where they served steaming hot and quite disgusting eggnog, and lukewarm, equally disgusting mulled wine. I kid you not: it tasted like warm red wine vinegar; 3 pathetic cloves were stuck to the bottom.
Got home at 12:30.