Photo story: Iced and almost to pieces sliced
Warning: all you faint of heart, shoo! R-rated for graphic violence. This photo story recounts a bone-chilling misadventure that ocurred during a hike on Mt. Mani (Manisan), Kanghwa Island. The red arrow points at the site where the life of our young [relatively speaking]heroine might have been lost or some of her bones migh have been broken, skull cracked, skin scraped, apples in her backpack bruised... [enough with the graphci violence]. If you're still with me, not-so-gentle reader, rejoice, for the heroine will be saved at the end by an act of unselfish bravery performed by the heroine's strong tall Teutonic friend, Princess Andrea von Greifswald und Sungbuk-gu. Let's begin our story. Not so long, long ago, as a matter of fact in the most recent past, a group of friends were merrily walking down Mt. Mani, lookiing forward to their strength elixir called dong-dong-ju. ...They were so happy, admiring beautiful winter scenery [see attached photo]. Of course, there was no red arrow to spoil the perfect cool colours scheme ....